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Lanzarote Walks

There are some amazing, scenic walks to be done in Lanzarote! 

The GR131 Lanzarote Nature Walk runs for 70km from Orzola in the North to Playa Blanca in the South. I have walked it bit by bit twice over now. Sometimes walking to it, then a short way along it, then walking back. Sometimes going further and getting a bus back. Sometimes walking miles, then deciding it doesn't look very far to walk home.... but it's always further than it looks...!!

There are plenty of other walks to be done, too.

Here are links to some of the photos taken en route:

Yaiza to Playa Blanca

Uga to Yaiza Camel Trail

Montana Blanca to San Bartolome 5/6/17

Walk from Teguise to San Bartolome 18/06/17

Walk around Playa Blanca 1/8/17

Exploring Tracks Between PDC and Tias!

Playa Blanca Bus Station to Lighthouse

Yaiza to Femes then Mountainside and Valley Trek Home via Playa Quemada 21 06 19

Orzola to Teguise Final Leg of the GR131 16th July 2019!

Dam Walk 18th June 2020

Arrecife to Sands Hotel with Sally 05 08 2020

Sands Hotel to Mala with Sally 12 08 2020

Orzola to Teguise, Along the GR131 with Marleen and Tatiana 16 11 2019

Teguise to San Bartolome with Marleen, Liz and Gerry 23 06 2019

Conil to Yaiza with Marleen 02 09 2020

Playa Blanca to Yaiza with Marleen

San Bartolome to Conil to complete the GR131 for the first time for Marleen and the second time for me, then Macher, then home! 15 09 2020.

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