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Casa Amorosa Apartment, Marfolin 23, El Cotillo, Fuerteventura

Welcome to Casa Amorosa! This is the amazing view from the ample balcony! View from Marfolin 23 Balcony!View from Marfolin 23 Balcony!

Pete and I purchased this beautiful one bedroom apartment between us on 3rd November 2022, taking onboard the ongoing bookings. There were guests staying in it while we were there to complete the purchase, so we got the keys but couldn't even go in it!

Please see the Simply Cotillo website for photos and details of the apartment and how to book it at Simply Cotillo Marfolin 23.

There is also a wonderful drone video of El Cotillo and the Marfolin complex at Simply Cotillo - El Cotillo and Marfolin

The video below is a walkthrough of the apartment, courtesy of the previous owner. He saves the best to last!

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